Financial scams are becoming harder to spot. These scams can look very real, whether disguised as investments that sound too good to be true or a sneaky email trying to get you to click a link. We’re here to help you identify these scams so that you can make informed investment decisions.
Now Bharat will know what to believe, and what not to.
Ab Bharat Farq Pehchanega!
Are you an Informed Investor yet? Take the quiz to know!
You get a call about a new Mutual Fund scheme that offers guaranteed high returns with ZERO risk. The caller asks for your personal details so they can invest for you. What’s your move?
A finfluencer with a large following is promoting a mutual fund scheme that offers high returns and zero risk. What will you do?
You receive an e-mail claiming to be from the fund manager at a Mutual Fund organisation. What should you do to check the veracity of the claim?
Which of the following would be a red flag in a Mutual Fund scheme?
Lastly, how can you protect yourself and your money, when you invest online?
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